27 Friendsgiving Games to Elevate Your Celebration

Searching for fun Friendsgiving games to play at your holiday gathering?

Check out these 27 Friendsgiving games. To elevate and add an extra dash of excitement and entertainment to your celebration.

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Friendsgiving games to elevate your celebration.

Friendsgiving Games

1. Musical Chairs

Watch friends enthusiastically dash and dance around chairs, as they playfully nudge one another to secure a seat.

Overall, the cheers and good natured teasing of this game makes it a delightful activity for a Friendsgiving party.

2. Pumpkin Painting

Pumpkin painting is a fantastic Friendsgiving activity that brings out the creativity and artistic flair of everyone involved. 

With a wide array of paints, brushes, and decorations, each person can personalize their pumpkin masterpiece, reflecting their unique style and personality. 

3. Friends Trivia

Challenge your friends’ knowledge of each other with a personalized trivia game.

Create questions about memorable moments, favorite inside jokes, and quirky habits within your friend group. 

This activity is a fun and interactive way to strengthen bonds, share nostalgia, and celebrate the unique dynamics of your friendship circle.

4. Friendsgiving Charades

Charades is incredibly easy to set up and play, due to its simplicity and minimal requirements. 

All you need is a list of words or phrases, and players can dive right into the fun.

To add a festive touch to the game, you can theme the charade items around fall or Thanksgiving themes. Making it even more enjoyable and relevant to the Friendsgiving celebration.

5. Pin the Feather on the Turkey

Give the classic “Pin the tail on the donkey” game a Thanksgiving twist by playing “Pin the feather on the turkey.” 

How to play: 

  1. Each participant is blindfolded and given a paper “feather” with a push pin or thumbtack attached to it. 
  2. After being spun around to get disoriented, the players must then try to pin the feather on the turkey. 
  3. The player who pins the feather closest to the target, which is the turkey’s side, wins the game. 

6. Watch a Movie

Gather around a screen and savor the cozy vibes with a Thanksgiving movie. 

Watching a movie is a wonderful activity that can foster relaxation, especially after a satisfying meal.

Watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving during Friendsgiving party.

Outdoor Friendsgiving Games

7. Cornhole

Guests can play solo or form teams and take turns tossing bean bags towards the cornhole boards.

Aiming to score points by landing them in the hole or on the board.

8. Friendsgiving Tug of War

Gear up for a gripping showcase of unity and teamwork in an epic game of tug of war. 

This competitive game demands flawless coordination. As each side collaborates to gain the upper hand and outwit the opposition.

9. Potatoe Sack Race

Join in on the fun as everyone hops and bounces in a thrilling potato sack race.

Each participant hops inside a burlap or fabric sack and, with enthusiasm, races towards the finish line. 

10. Three Legged Race

Discover who makes the best duo in an exciting three-legged race. 

This game emphasizes teamwork and fun.

As pairs work together to synchronize their movements and find a rhythm, racing towards the finish line with laughter and enthusiasm.

11. Apple Relay Race

Divide into teams and have each member race while carrying an apple on a spoon.

If the apple falls off the spoon during the race, they must go back to the starting point and begin again. 

The team that completes the relay race with all members successfully carrying the apple on the spoon wins the game.

Friendsgiving Game Ideas

12. Gratitude Cards

Set up a crafting area with various supplies and encourage guests to create personalized gratitude cards for loved ones.

13. Friendsgiving Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is an excellent activity to get people up and moving while searching for items.

Here are some entertaining ways to plan your scavenger hunt:

1. Classic Scavenger Hunt: Hide a variety of items like pumpkins, acorns, flowers, and more, and create a list of all the hidden items for teams to find.

The first team to locate all the items on the list wins the game.

2. Specific Item Hunt: Hide a particular item, such as mini plastic pumpkins, and let participants search for them.

The person or team who finds the most pumpkins wins a prize.

14. Karaoke

Encourage guests to sing their heart out with a Friendsgiving karaoke session.

In addition to karaoke, here are some other musical based activities that you can incorporate into your entertainment menu:

  • Finish the song lyrics
  • Guess the song title and artist
  • Dance off

15. Who am I?

“Who am I?” is a delightful guessing game where players wear sticky notes with words written on them on their foreheads. 

The objective of the game is for each player to guess the word written on their forehead by asking only yes-or-no questions. 

All in all, this is a fun and interactive activity that encourages creativity and teamwork as participants try to deduce their identity with the help of their friends’ clues.

For details and directions on how to play the game, click here.

16. Junk in the Trunk

In this game, each player ties an empty tissue box filled with cotton balls around their waist. 

The objective is to shake and wiggle (Without using their hands) until all the cotton balls fall out within one minute.

The first person to shake out all of their cotton balls wins the game.

Check out: How to Plan the Ultimate Friendsgiving

17. Face the Cookie

For this game, place a cookie on the forehead of each player. 

The challenge is to move the cookie down their face and into their mouth without using their hands.

The first person to successfully get the cookie into their mouth wins the game.

18. Cotton ball Scoop

Gather two players and blindfold them. Place a pile of cotton balls on a table, and provide each player with a scoop or large spoon and a bowl. 

Challenge them to scoop up as many cotton balls as possible within the given time limit.

The player who collects the most cotton balls wins the game.

19. Twister

Experience the excitement of Twister as you twist and turn with your friends in this challenging game.

The oversized mat with colored dots becomes a fun playground. As everyone contorts their bodies and stretches to reach each spot, creating a playful atmosphere. 

20. Friendsgiving Family Feud

Grab some buzzers and get ready for a game of Family Feud.

From classic to Thanksgiving themed questions, grab some buzzers and get ready for a game of Family Feud.

21. Coloring

Coloring is a versatile and calming activity that perfectly complements a Friendsgiving celebration. 

Simply provide some fall-themed coloring sheets and coloring materials and let guests color. 

Not only is this a calming activity but the colored masterpieces also serve as delightful souvenirs of the Friendsgiving gathering.

Card & Table Friendsgiving Games

22. Taboo

Taboo is a game that ensures laughter and quick thinking. 

The game’s simple concept, challenges players to describe a word to their teammates without using specific “Taboo” words or phrases. 

This can lead to hilarious and creative attempts at giving clues. Resulting in bursts of laughter and shared moments of amusement.

23. Uno

Uno is an excellent card game that blends strategy, laughter, and friendly rivalry, resulting in an unforgettable gaming experience.

The game’s engaging dynamics will keep everyone on their toes, as each player strives to be the first one to shout “Uno!”

24. What do you Meme

“What Do You Meme” is a card game based on a collection of popular internet memes.

In which the main objective is for players to creatively pair funny captions with the images. Aiming to create the most hilarious and relatable combinations.

25. Jenga

Jenga, with its towering blocks, sets the stage for thrilling moments of strategy and balance.

This game adds a touch of suspense and skill as each player takes daring moves to stabilize an increasingly unstable tower.

Uno and dominos as great games to play at thanksgiving party.

26. Connect Four

Connect Four is a laid-back table game that can be enjoyed, as a quick and casual game or as a full-fledged tournament. 

27. Dominoes

Finally, we have dominos, the last game on this list of Friendsgiving games.