If you’re looking to add a personal touch to your cap, check out these amazing graduation cap designs.
From heartfelt quotes to cute flower designs, celebrate graduation with these fantastic graduation cap designs.

Graduation Cap Designs
1. I Survived

This cap featuring the “Long story short, I survived” quote is super relatable!
From conquering exams, late night study sessions, balancing extracurriculars, and everything in between, it’s a sigh of relief to say that you survived.
2. Peace Out
Say peace out to school with this cute 70s inspired grad cap.
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3. The Places You’ll Go
Get ready to soar to new heights with a cap that’s as inspiring as it is adorable.
Inspired by Dr. Seuss, this cap highlights the excitement for all of the upcoming post-grad adventures with the quote “Oh, the places you’ll go”.
4. I did it for my Dog
If you’re a furry parent, then this funny graduation cap design might hit home for you.
It’s a playful highlight of love and dedication to your four legged friend and the extra mile that you often take for them. (Like waking up extremely early to take them on a walk)
5. You’re Doing Fine
This cute graduation cap idea is a beautiful reminder to slow down, breathe, and know that you’re doing fine.
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6. Friends Graduation Cap
Another fantastic graduation cap idea, is using your favorite tv show as inspiration for your cap design.
7. Already Forgot Everything
This “Finding Nemo” inspired grad cap is a hilarious highlight of all of those things that we quickly forget, like content learned from class.
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Graduation Cap Ideas
8. Pacman
This Pac-Man inspired design is both simple and clever, as the Pac-Man chases down the diploma to gobble it up.
9. Bloom Where You’re Planted
As you enter your new post grad environment, whether it’s college or the workforce, it may feel comfortable to shrink yourself.
However, this cap is a great reminder to bloom and blossom without fear of taking up space, so that others can experience your amazing beauty.
10. Next Chapter
Take a cue from this design, which integrated “Physical therapist” into the quote “On to the next chaPTer,” and blend your future career path within the quotes on your cap.
11. Wrap up
Unmask your diploma and solve the mystery of graduation with this Scooby-Doo inspired cap.
12. It’s Been Sweet
Celebrate the sweet journey of the past couple of years in school with this “It’s been sweet” cap idea.
13. Let Your Light Shine
The lyrics “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” on this cap, is not only a fun children’s song but an incredible reminder to spread positivity everywhere we go.
In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
14. On to the Next Chapter
This cap features an adorable design with plenty of flowers and gold butterflies.
It’s a great option if you’re looking for girly grad cap inspiration that’s not pink.
15. This Degree ran on Dunkin
If you relied on caffeine to get through school, then this cap is perfect for you.
This playful idea celebrates those early morning and late-night study sessions powered by coffee and donuts.
16. Teacher Grad Cap
When decorating your own cap, consider adding decorative elements that reflect your future profession.
From the apple to the pencils and crayons, this cap SCREAMS teacher.
Cute Graduation Cap Designs
17. Making My Dog Proud
For all the pet parents out there, dedicate your graduation cap to your fur babies and hope they’re proud of you.
18. Mama Mia
Similar to this Mama Mia cap, have fun and design your cap based on your favorite movie.
19. What Dreams are Made of
Embrace some nostalgia and throw it back to the 2000s with this Lizzie McGuire inspired cap.
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20. Taking Care of Business
Calling all of the business majors! Show that you’re ready to start taking care of business, both literally and figuratively, with this cap inspo.
21. Outro: Graduated
Outro gradation! That’s all.
22. Christ That Strengthens me
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
23. Small With Big Plans
Calling all petite girls!
This adorable mantra, “I may be small but I’ve got big plans,” is tailor-made for you.
Embrace your petite frame with confidence with this cute cap inspo.
Creative Graduation Cap Ideas
24. All Because of my Community
Have your friends, family, and even your teachers sign your cap and leave a heartfelt note, just like signing a yearbook.
It’s a fun and sentimental way to commemorate your graduation day and the people who have supported you along the way.
25. That’s a Wrap
Roll the credits on your school movie with this “That’s a wrap” movie director-inspired cap idea.
26. Bloom With Grace
Add some serious sparkle and flair to your cap with super girly elements like pearls, flowers, glitter, and adorable lettering.
27. Girly Butterflies
Topped with butterflies and rhinestones, this design is perfect if you’re looking for a girly and sparkly cap inspo.
28. Inspired by Your Language
Whether it’s Spanish, Creole, Mandarin, or any other language you speak, incorporating it into your cap is a fantastic way to celebrate your language and cultural background.
29. A Long Time Coming
Decorated with cute watercolors and lots of pastel flowers, this cap is extremely adorable.
Plus, the “It’s been a long time coming” quote adds the perfect touch of relatability to an already cute design.
Unique Graduation Cap Designs
30. Beautiful Moments
Highlight your excitement for post grad with this uplifting message: “The most beautiful moments are yet to come.”
31. Smile and Wave
This “Just smile and wave” Penguin of Madagascar themed cap idea captures the essence of the graduation ceremony: simply smile and wave as you grab your diploma.
32. I did my Best
Celebrate your hard work and get ready to conquer whatever lies ahead with confidence, faith, and enthusiasm with this cute cap inspo.
33. Next Adventure
From starting a new job to moving away for school, get hyped for your next thrilling adventure that awaits.
34. She Believed she Could
The quote “She believed she could, so she did” is super powerful and is further enhanced with the gorgeous purple flowers and pearls.
35. Last Rodeo
Saddle up and get ready for your last rodeo with this country inspired cap design.
That’s all for the graduation cap designs.
From inspirational quotes to playful pop culture references, there are endless possibilities to express yourself through your cap design.