How to Create Healthy Social Media Boundaries

How to create healthy social media boundaries | Woman aimlessly scrolling through her phone at night.

Are you interested in learning how to spend less time on social media? Well this article is for you.

If you’re like me, you’re tired of spending hours on end aimlessly scrolling through your social media feed. Although it’s easier said than done, it’s very hard to sustainably implement healthy social media boundaries.

The same entertainment and connectivity qualities that make it enjoyable are the same ones that can lead to extreme comparison syndrome, fatigue, FOMO, and overstimulation, to name a few.

Taking care of our mental health is very important and encompasses our digital well-being also. Like most things in life, the whole concept of gaining control and breaking free from the mindless scroll is to create simple boundaries.

Here are some practical tips for establishing healthy social media boundaries, to help you regain control over your digital health.

How to Spend Less Time on Social Media

Review Your Screen Time History

The numbers may shock you in seeing the sheer amount of time that you’ve spent on several social media apps. (Trust me, I was in disbelief too)

However, the shock is exactly what we need to propel us to make a sustainable change.

Implement app Timers

App timers are really useful only if you stick to the allocated time and don’t snooze.

Although the snooze button is very tempting, resist it and grow content with the dismiss button.

Disable app Notifications

Disabling notifications may help reduce the unconscious act of checking the notification and getting sucked into a mindless scroll.

One method that can help the number of times that you engage with notifications, is to respond to them on a block schedule.

Based on your routine for instance, you can check your notifications once every hour; or once in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Create a block schedule that works for you and stick to it.

Declutter Your Social Profile

Decluttering your social profile and overall feed can encompass:

  • Blocking posts from certain profiles
  • Unfollowing accounts that you don’t interact with frequently
  • Hiding ads and telling the platform why you don’t like that particular ad

Remove all Social Platforms From Your Home Screen

Removing social media apps from your home screen encompasses the idea of out of sight out of mind.

If you don’t readily see your social apps on your home screen, then it could make it easier to forget about them.

Easy Ways on How to Spend Less Time on Social Media

Replace Social Check-ins With Something Else

Since a lot of us use social media to unwind after a long day and can’t bear doing anything “productive”, you can replace this time with another passive act or a hobby.

You may also like: Lazy Activities to do Instead of Scrolling on Social Media

Limit the Places Where you Bring Your Phone

Limiting the places where you bring your phone may help reduce the convenience and accessibility of having it near you.

Some limitation areas could include the bed or dining table.

Only go on Social Media on a Computer

Since many apps have shifted to a mobile first design, you may not find the computer interface as appealing, thus helping to reduce your usage of the platform.

Also, going on your computer can ensure that you’re only spending conscious blocks of time scrolling through your feed. Since you have to scroll manually with a mouse/ keyboard.

Utilize Focus Modes

Focus modes aren’t just for studying and professional work time but can be used to accommodate your leisure hours.

Delete the App(s) Completely

If you’re finding that you’re still struggling with your access to social apps, go cold turkey and delete them completely.

Log off for a couple of days, weeks, or months and simply detox.