How to Feel Better When You’re Having a Bad Day

When you’re having a bad day, it can seem as though nothing is going right and emotional and social tiredness overwhelms your being.

Whether at school, work, or just in your everyday routine, bad days are bound to happen.

Here are some practical and healthy ways to help you balance and navigate your emotions when you’re having a bad day.

What to do When You’re Having a Bad Day

1. Pray

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

Praying and simply talking (even ranting) to God is a powerful, convenient, and successful way to help navigate through your feelings and your perception of the bad day.

For starters, when you’re having a bad day, acknowledge the emotions that you’re feeling rather than masking them in order to effectively resolve and balance your emotions.

Through prayer, you’re able to talk to God who’s there to listen and provide you with peace beyond great measures.

So talk to God, tell Him everything that is going wrong, everything that is causing you to be anxious and stressed, and freely give him all of your burdens.

Remember that you don’t have to figure out everything on your own, you have a loving God that is willing and wanting to help you in every aspect of your life.

So ask Him to replace your anxiety, stress, and frustration with peace and He will give you the relief that you so desperately want.

2. Eat

When you’re having a bad day, pause and analyze whether you’ve eaten. Often times, hunger can mask as irritation, annoyance, headache, and stress.

To combat the feeling of hangry, conveniently and quickly nourish your body with food. Especially since when you’re hungry you’re deficient in how much energy you can contribute to your tasks.

Whether you need to order takeout, eat a snack, or prepare your favorite meal; remember, Snicker’s says it best, “You’re not you when you’re hungry”.

3. Take a nap

Taking a nap especially after a long day, can fuel relaxation and help you wake up with a fresh attitude.

Also, be sure to analyze your sleeping patterns to pin point whether your perception of a bad day is stemming from lack of sleep, so that you’re able to adjust your sleep schedule.

4. Read God’s Word

The Bible is laced with great affirmations and reassurance to give you hope and peace in your day to day life.

Whenever you’re having a bad day, turn to God’s word so that you can find rest and clarity in your unpeaceful environment.

Remember that bad days are bound to happen but rest assured that you have the God that created the world and everything in it by your side to help you navigate your life.

Jesus proclaims “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

An amazing and convenient resource that I love is the online Bible App. With the search button you can easily type in anything such as “Stress” and it will quickly provide you with Bible verses and informational videos pertaining to that topic.

5. Do Deep Breathing Techniques

In the midst of feeling anxious, stress, sad, overwhelmed, and/or frustrated on a bad day; pause everything that you’re doing.

Slowly and intentionally breath in and out as you count to a certain number.

6. Get Some Fresh air Outside

It doesn’t matter if you have five minutes or an hour, get some fresh air and spend some time outside whenever you’re having a bad day.

You can go for a walk, sit on a park bench, or even go to the beach and merely soak up the sunshine and the beautiful nature around you.

Furthermore, getting some fresh air can provide the necessary solitude to process and organize your thoughts.

8. Journal

Write down your thoughts, frustrations, and everything that are weighing on your mind, in the midst of your bad day.

9. Listen to Positive and Uplifting Songs

Music can have a big impact on our moods.

So, whenever you’re having a bad day, refrain from listening to sad and heartbreaking songs that can further extend those feelings.

Rather consume positive and uplifting musical content to subconsciously improve your mood.

10. Move Your Body

During a bad day, your body may become tense. To alleviate the stiffness, move your body and shake off all of the bad feelings away.

You can have a mini dance session, stretch, do jumping jacks, and whatever other exercises that you enjoy.

11. Do Something That you Love

Doing something that you love can bring happiness and calmness on a bad day. For instance, you can:

  • Read a book
  • Snuggle/play with your pet
  • Work on a hobby
  • Call a friend
  • Have a pampered spa day

12. Cry it out

Lastly, don’t be afraid to cry and let all of your frustrations out through tears.

Crying is not a sign of weakness or defeat but rather a signal of strength and acceptance. As you’re able to face and acknowledge the emotions that you’re experiencing and are able to work through them.

At times, it may require multiple crying sessions. Remember that you need to bring the feelings out from underneath the surface so that they do not get huddled up and explode in the future.