How to Plan a Birthday Party (Easy and Budget-Friendly)

Whether you’re hosting a birthday party for yourself or for someone else; here is a basic layout on how to plan a birthday party.

All while enjoying the process, staying sane, and not putting a strain on your finances.

How to plan a birthday party.

Before we get started, it’s important to note that these tips aren’t just for birthday parties, but apply to any type of party that you’re planning.

How to Plan a Birthday Party

Establish a Budget

The first step in planning your party is establishing a budget. 

This budget will be your anchor in almost all of your decision making, especially when it comes to purchases.

1. How many guests you can accommodate

2. The amount and type of food and decor you can afford

3. Where you can consider splurging and where you should be more reserved

How to plan a birthday party | Let's party sign.

Create a Party Vision Board

While this step is optional, one aspect that I love during the planning process is creating a vision board. 

The vision board is a great way to visually see ideas and inspiration that you want to incorporate within your party. 

You can create a vision board using sources like Pinterest, Instagram, Google, or even a magazine, and it offers several advantages. 

Besides visual inspiration, it can help you make more focused purchases that align with your vision.

This way, you avoid wasting time and money on random decor and materials that you end up not using, because it doesn’t fit your theme.

Vision board in helping you plan a birthday party.

Decisions Decisions

Continuing our discussion on “How to Plan a Birthday Party,” this next step involves making more decisions. 

Using your budget as a realistic measure, begin researching and making general decisions on subjects such as:

  • How many guests am I going to invite?
  • Where am I going to have the party?  
  • What type and quantity of food, decorations, games, and other elements do I want to include at the event

During this stage, you may realize that instead of renting a venue, it’s more financially feasible to host the party at home.

Alternatively, you may find it cheaper to DIY many of the decorations; in order to save money and allocate those cost savings towards food.

Secure Venue

If you’re hosting the birthday party at a venue, be sure to contact and secure the location before sending out invitations. 

This precaution will help you avoid the need for last-minute edits and sending out new invitations in case you can’t secure the venue or need to reschedule for a different day.

Send out Invitations

Create excitement and anticipation for the party by sending out invitations. 

Within your invitation, encourage guests to RSVP.

This way, you can gauge the expected number of guests and plan accordingly, including food quantity, seating arrangements, space layout, and more.

Birthday party invitation to send out to guests.

Make Purchasing Decisions 

Using your budget as a financial parameter for your vision board, you can start making purchases.

Create a comprehensive list of all the materials, food, and decorations required for the event and begin shopping around. 

Additionally, plan games and activities for the party, and make purchases for these items to ensure a successful celebration.

Check out: How to Save Money on Party Supplies

Execute the Party

As a final step, make sure to order or prepare the food for the party and handle any last-minute items.

On the day of the party, set up your decorations, arrange the food, and prepare the activities. 

Most of all, enjoy the celebration with your guests!