How to Rest on the Sabbath: 15 Practical Ideas

Searching for simple and practical ideas on how to rest on the Sabbath? Here are some ideas for enjoying a restful day of rest.

What is the Sabbath?

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.

Genesis 2:2-3

The Sabbath is a holy day of rest commanded by God in the Bible.

The seventh day of the week is set apart for disconnection from our day-to-day work and substituted with rest.

Rest isn’t limited to lying down and doing nothing, but encompasses activities that allow a mental and physical break from our usual work life.

Why do we Need to Rest on the Sabbath?

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.

Exodus 20:8

There are numerous reasons why we need to rest on the Sabbath. For instance:

  • Resting is an act of obedience to God as he instructs us to rest (Exodus 20:8-11)
  • Resting helps us acknowledge that our worth is not tied to hyper-productivity
  • Resting promotes the rejuvenation of the mind, body, and soul

How to Rest on the Sabbath

The Sabbath is a day of rest, and it’s meant to be a day of rejuvenation and excitement.

But it can be hard to find that peace and rest when we’re always so busy. Here are a few ideas for calming your mind and practicing rest on the Sabbath.

1. Attend Church

Although we are the church, attending church and fellowshipping with one another is a great outlet that can boast many social, mental, and spiritual health benefits.

2. Work on a Hobby

Working on a hobby is an amazing leisure activity.

Especially in promoting the concept that you can work on something for the sole purpose of enjoyment, rather than the goal of producing a monetary reward.

RELATED: Free Hobbies for Women in Their 20s

3. Go on a Walk

Go on a leisurely walk without an exercise goal in mind and simply take in your surrounding.

4. Spend Time in Prayer

Talk to God and catch up on the week together and any and everything that’s circling in your mind.

If you’re having difficulty resting, pray and confidently ask God to help you practice rest and he WILL fulfill the desires of your heart. For instance, you can ask him to reveal areas and insecurities hindering you from actively resting.

5. Watch a TV Show

From a competitive sports game to a funny sitcom, unwind with a great show.

6. Hang out with Friends/Family

You can use the sabbath as a time to connect and sustain your relationship with others.

Whether you’re meeting a friend for lunch or inviting them over to hang out, you can find rest in catching up and spending quality time with friends/family.

RELATED: 60 Fun Summer Activities to do With Friends

7. Spend Time Outside

Whether you’re going to the beach, park, or simply your backyard, spend time outside, enjoy some good sunshine, and take the time to marvel at God’s beautiful creations.

8. Take a nap

Take physical rest with a rejuvenating nap.

9. Exercise/Move Your Body

From salsa dancing to strength training at the gym, find rejuvenation and rest in moving your body.

10. Disconnect from Social Media

Take a break from the endless scroll and disconnect from social media.

RELATED: How to Create Healthy Social Media Boundaries

11. Volunteer

Although volunteering and serving in your community may seem like work. On the contrary, you can find rest in helping others and contributing to collective gain.

12. Read a Book

From a great adventure novel to a nonfiction piece, feast your eyes on a good book.

If you’re not a reading type of person, give audiobooks a try.

13. Have a DIY Spa Night

Rather than rushing through your personal care/beauty routine, take some time to intentionally care for and nurture your body with a relaxing spa night.

RELATED: How to Have a Luxurious At-Home Spa Day

14. Study the Bible

Increase your spiritual literacy by spending time and studying God’s word in the Bible.

If you don’t know where to get started, YouVersion offers some great resources to guide you through the reading and understanding of the Bible.

15. Connect With Others

If you do not have the accessibility to meet with others, call, text, or video chat with them to catch up.

I hope you’ve found some great inspiration to rest on the Sabbath. Whatever activities you choose to do, the important thing is that you’re honoring the Sabbath through intentional rest.